Engineering alums and professor present at AIAA conference


Central professor of Engineering Dr. Viatcheslav Naoumov and two former mechanical engineering students, Andrew Santopietro and Nicholas Combs, presented a co-authored research paper at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Science and Technology International Forum and Exposition held in Orlando, Fla., from January 8 to 12.

The paper, titled “Long-Term Research Project for Mechanical and Aerospace Students: New Accomplishments in the Study of Combustion of Bio-Derived Fuels in Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engine,” compiled novel experimental and theoretical results of the study of combustion of paraffin and beeswax within the longitudinal research of combustion of advanced paraffin-based fuels in the hybrid propellant rocket motors. The rare experiments with non-traditional fuels attracted serious attention of scholars and practitioners worldwide.


From left: Dr. Viatcheslav Naoumov, Nicholas Combs, and Andrew Santopietro. (Photo submitted)