Prague University of Economics and Business

Prague University of Economics and Business

Prague University of Economics and Business is the biggest public university of economics in the Czech Republic. With a wide variety of programs offered, students are open to endless international relationships and career opportunities. From career fairs to innovation workshops, this university is motivated to strengthen each student's business experience. The campus offers both clubs and events for students to take part in, including opportunities to get involved in the community!

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Program Details

Language Requirement: None

Language of Instruction: English

Required GPA: 2.75

Term: Fall Semester: Mid-September to Mid-December, Spring Semester: Mid-February to Mid-May, Summer Dates TBD

Program: Check the university’s website for more information

Program Costs

Tuition: Pay Partner University $2,047.00
Housing: Pay Partner University $323.00
Meal: Pay Partner University $1,293.00-$1,616.00

Contact Information

Zongxiang Mei
International Education Coordinator
Center for International Education
Clarence Carroll Hall
Christine Chaihyung Park
University Assistant, Courses Abroad
Center for International Education