Our Framework


“Great services for men. All men at the college should be a part of this” -  Mark

We believe male experiences are unique and male populations are deserving of specialized and gender competent care and resources. We believe in a gender responsive framework that promotes service proficiencies that consider all areas impacting male development, socialization, engagement, service delivery, and how care is marketed to men. We believe in a positive and strength-based approach that celebrates the male experience by affirming, respecting, and embraces the human potential birthed into every male-being.

“It is our aim to build community and connect Central male students with support services and resources on campus and within the larger community”.

Why A Men’s Initiative?

  • College men face unique challenges along their journey towards college degree completion.
  • Male student face greater risks of failing to graduate
  • Men are less likely to seek help or access necessary supports.
  • Men have less healthy lifestyle practices and engage in riskier behavior.
  • Men are more likely to be on academic probation and engage in more student conduct offenses.
  • Males commit suicide at rates approximately 4 to 5 times of that of their female counterparts. Guys represent nearly 80% of all suicides.
  • Ninety-nine percent of Central male students actively involved in the Brotherhood Initiative graduate.

Contact Information

William Fothergill
Counseling & Student Development
Willard-DiLoreto Hall
Lawrence Hall
Admissions - Undergraduate
Lawrence J. Davidson Hall
Andrew Fal
Reference Librarian
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