Sex Crime Prevention & Safety

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act Notice

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (CSCPA) and related State statutes requires that convicted sex offenders inform their state registering agencies whenever they enroll or become employed at a postsecondary institution. The registering agencies are required to notify the campus police of the presence of the sex offender on campus, and the institutions are in turn authorized to share this information publicly, including it in their annual crime report beginning October 2003.

To determine if a person is a registered sex offender, click on the following link to the State Police Sex Offender Registry. Once in the registry your search will reveal the photograph and relevant information of any matching registrants.

Sex Offender Registry

"Acquaintance Rape"

There is a type of sexual assault that often goes unreported. It's called acquaintance rape.

Acquaintance rape is RAPE. It is the unwanted sexual act forced by a date, a friend or an acquaintance. Whether you call it acquaintance or date rape, it is still RAPE and it is a serious crime. Sexual assault, which acquaintance rape is a form of, is defined in Connecticut law as compelling "... another person to engage in sexual intercourse and he/she uses force against such person." The term sexual intercourse as used above has a broad meaning and it is not limited to just vaginal intercourse.

There is a greater potential of being sexually assaulted by an acquaintance than there is of being assaulted by a stranger. To safeguard yourself, listen to your instincts and don't drop your defenses. With this in mind, the University Police have put together a few thoughts on the subject that you should consider and remember.

  • Drink responsibly and legally. Alcohol and drugs are major factors in acquaintance rape. Enjoy yourself at parties, but remember that alcohol and drugs affect the thinking process. They impair your judgment and reasoning powers.

  • Know your sexual limits. Know when to stop and not go further than you want to. You both have the right to stop at any time and to say NO!

  • ALERT! Do not accept drinks from people you do not know. A relatively new illegal drug is available in some circles that makes you susceptible to sexual assault and leaves the victim without a memory of the event.

  • Do not give mixed messages. Be clear and firm when you say NO!

  • If you feel you are getting mixed messages from your date, don't be afraid to ask him/her how far he/she wants to go.

  • Do not worry about making a scene-trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable, leave. Go anywhere there are other people. Remember there is safety in numbers.

  • Do not allow yourself to get into difficult situations, i.e., being alone on your first date, being alone in a stranger's room or being intoxicated with someone you don't know very well. Think before you act.

  • The excuse of being intoxicated does not give a person the right to force his/her wishes on another person. You are responsible for your action at all times.

  • Whether you follow this advice or not, being a sexual assault victim is never your fault. If you happen to become a victim of a sexual assault you should seek medical attention immediately. Do not wash, bathe, douche, change your clothes, or straighten up the area where the attack occurred. Call the Police, Sexual Assault Crisis Service, or simply go to a hospital emergency room. Do not keep the incident bottled up inside you; seek help from a support group and talk about it.

  • Report all cases of acquaintance rape and sexual assault to the University Police Department even it you're unsure whether or not you want the perpetrator prosecuted. You can always change your mind, but reporting the matter helps ensure a competent investigation that preserves your options. Moreover, the information you provide to the police may be helpful in preventing further attacks, since offenders frequently have a history of previous attacks and will continue until stopped. However, the most important point to remember is to get the medical attention and support you need.