Cultural Programming & Training

The Office for Equity & Inclusion is responsible for providing state-mandated training on diversity, sexual harassment prevention, and Title IX and offers multiple sessions.

Diversity Training (Required one-time during your career with the Central)

The Office for Equity & Inclusion offers three-hour state-mandated Diversity Training* Sessions annually for Central faculty, staff and students. The training consists of two components. The first segment focuses on OEI responsibilities, policies, and procedures. The second component will focus on a particular identity (i.e., race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc.) as it relates to college students, campus life and/or classroom environments.

Central is committed to creating a campus culture where all members of our community are valued and affirmed. These sessions do not only support this initiative but enhances our sense of community. Please check the time and date that works best for you.

Title IX Training (including Sexual Harassment Prevention and Sexual Assault, Interpersonal Violence and Stalking Awareness)

Given the recent legislative changes regarding Title IX, Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence on college campus, the Office for Equity & Inclusion is providing several training sessions on the topics. Currently all employees at the university are expected to take either the online or in person training regarding sexual assault and interpersonal violence prevention.

Both federal and state laws clearly prohibit sexual harassment, sexual assault and interpersonal violence in the workplace and education settings – and yet it happens. On campuses large and small, women and men find themselves the unwilling target of unwelcomed sexual conduct that creates a hostile environment. It is critical that all students, employees, including managers, understand both the full range of behaviors that define sexual harassment, sexual assault and interpersonal violence and the pro-active steps they can take to prevent it.

As part of its mandate to eliminate discrimination, the Office for Equity & Inclusion provides training for Central faculty, staff and students.
This session will help you:

  • Understand Title IX and other laws that prohibit sexual harassment and gender-based violence
  • Define sexual harassment, sexual assault, interpersonal violence & stalking
  • Recognize specific behaviors that constitute sexual harassment, sexual assault, interpersonal violence & stalking
  • Deal with a case in your office, area or department
  • Recognize and handle retaliation
  • Apply Central's policy to sexual harassment and Title IX cases
  • Understand and fulfill your responsibilities
  • Use remedies and procedures available through the University

Annual Title IX Refresher Training (including Sexual Harassment Prevention and Sexual Assault, Interpersonal Violence and Stalking Awareness)

The Title IX Refresher sessions are 45 minutes in length and can be completed either by in-person sessions or via an online module. The primary purpose of the refresher is to remind all of us of the various laws, policies and procedures related to sexual violence, sexual harassment, interpersonal violence and stalking. There are annual updates, changes and announcements from the various governmental and agencies. The refresher will provide updates on the BOR policies and procedures as well as best practices for college campuses that often come from the Office of Civil Rights for the U.S. Department of Education. These sessions will provide real life examples and allow participants to work through case examples and scenarios.

This session will help you:

  • Understand Title IX updates and best practices
  • Better understand Title IX and other laws that prohibit sexual harassment and gender-based violence
  • Define sexual harassment, sexual assault, interpersonal violence & stalking
  • Recognize specific behaviors that constitute sexual harassment, sexual assault, interpersonal violence & stalking
  • Deal with a case in your office, area or department
  • Recognize and handle retaliation
  • Apply Central's policy to sexual harassment and Title IX cases
  • Understand and fulfill your responsibilities
  • Use remedies and procedures available through the University

*CONN. GEN. STAT § 46a-54 (16). - To require each state agency that employs one or more employees to (A) provide a minimum of three hours of diversity training and education (i) to all supervisory and nonsupervisory employees, not later than July 1, 2002, with priority for such training to supervisory employees, and (ii) to all newly hired supervisory and nonsupervisory employees, not later than six months after their assumption of a position with a state agency, with priority for such training to supervisory employees.