Residence Life

Welcome Home!

Welcome to University Housing, a place where we share our heartfelt commitment to providing the best on-campus housing options for students at Central Connecticut State University. As members of the college community, we firmly believe that residing on campus can truly make a difference in your academic journey and overall college experience.

While there is no obligation to live on campus, we wholeheartedly advocate for this choice based on the profound positive impact it can have on your academic success and seamless transition into college life. Countless studies have consistently shown that students who spend at least one year in a residence hall tend to thrive academically, graduate on time, and fondly reminisce about their holistic college journey.

Living on campus offers a wealth of invaluable support systems tailored to ensure your triumphant transition to college. It's a haven where your well-being and triumphs are cherished, and we are here to guide and assist you every step of the way.

Announcements and Important Dates

2023 - 2024 Academic Year

Spring Semester 2024

Jan. 16th  Residence Halls Open from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Mar. 8th  Residence Halls Close for Spring Break by 5 p.m.

Mar. 17th  Residence Halls Open for return from Spring Break at 3 p.m.

May 10th  Residence Halls Close by 5 p.m.

2024 - 2025 Academic Year

Fall Semester 2024

Aug. 25th  Residence Halls Open for Freshmen Move-in  - Time TBA

Aug. 26th  Residence Halls Open for Returning and Transfer Students Move-in  -   Time TBA

Nov. 26th  Residence Halls Close for Thanksgiving Break by 8 p.m.

Dec. 1st  Residence Halls Open for return from Thanksgiving Break at 3 p.m.

Dec. 13th Residence Halls Close for Winter Break by 5 p.m.